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Kid, Teen & Adult Tap Classes in Salem and the North Shore

Want to tap? Christa Terry teaches group and private tap lessons for adults and kids at various North Shore venues. She ran the tap dance program at RDX dance in Beverly, MA, and is now teaching recreational tap for kids, teens, and adults at Dance Enthusiasm in Salem, MA! More info: . She’s also available for kid, teen, and adult tap classes wherever students want to hold them in Beverly, Salem, Peabody, and around the North Shore. Whether you've never put on a pair of tap shoes or you want to get back into tap dancing, whether you're 8 or 80, Christa knows you can do it!
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How to Take an Adult Dance Class

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Adult Jazz Dance Classes at Dance Enthusiasm Happening Mondays!

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Why Dance Classes for Kids are More Important Than Ever During the Covid Pandemic

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