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Showing posts from May, 2019

4 Reasons Why Tap Dance Is the Best Dance

It's no secret that I think tap dance is the best dance. I will literally take any kind of dance class and perform in any genre, but it's tap that has my whole heart. I just feel most comfortable with tap shoes on! Maybe you feel the same way? Or maybe you're not sure yet which style of dance you like best. That's cool - different strokes for different folks! Then again, I'm not above trying to convince people that they should try tap for themselves. So if you've been thinking about taking some tap classes in your area but you're still on the fence, here are four reasons you should give tap a try: Tap Is Entertaining Tap dancers know that our genre doesn't always get the respect it deserves from other dancers, and that's sad. But you know who loves tap? Audiences. Tap may not necessarily be the most serious or most technically challenging form of dance, but it is definitely a crowd-pleaser. People love to watch tap! Maybe because it's a fo...

Thinking On Your Feet: Why Improv Should Be a Part of Every Tap Class

Most of my tap students (whether they're young dancers or in my adult tap classes ) are up for trying just about anything. New steps? No problem. Fast combo? They'll practice. But there's one exercise that tends to make almost all of my tap dance students feel just a little bit terrified. IMPROV! Why is improv so scary? It's not actually all that surprising. Most dance classes for kids and adults are relatively structured. The teacher shows the students technique, tricks, and combos, making corrections along the way. But when that same teacher asks students to circle up and bust out 16 counts of unchoreographed tap dancing? Even some of the more confident students may be shaking in their tap shoes. There are a lot of good reasons to jump joyfully into tap improv when your instructor tells you it's time to circle up. Here are just four of them: 1.  You'll Learn to Feel the Music This is especially important for dancers who don't have a musical back...

What You'll Learn in the Dance Studio... Besides Tap!

Any instructor, studio owner, or dancer will tell you that taking tap classes is about more than just learning to shuffle-ball-change. While you could probably argue that it's the kids in tap classes that get the most well-rounded education at the studio, I think that what follows applies to all my dancers. When you're in dance classes, you're learning a lot about: 1. Time Management - Whether you're a teen on the competitive track or an adult tap dancer who is taking classes one evening a week, figuring out how to juggle it all is tough. I have a busy full-time regular job, take care of my kids... and teach and take dance. Heck, even my 10-year-old has to figure out how to do her homework and fit in piano practice every day before dance - not to mention still stay connected with friends in between competitions and shows. To make dance a part of your life, you definitely have to get - and then stay - organized. 2. Dedication - Dance is fun, but speaking from...

UPDATE: We Added Open Level Adult Tap Classes to the Schedule!

I am SO excited to announce that Dance Enthusiasm in Salem, MA has added open level adult tap classes (taught by me, Christa Terry) to its summer schedule! We'll be dancing up a storm on Thursdays at 8:30 p.m. starting on May 30th. It's a short summer session, but we'll have the option of keeping this adult tap class going if everyone is having a great time. Have you been wanting to get back into those tap shoes? This adult tap class is the perfect opportunity. We WON'T be performing, which I know appeals to some of my adult dance students. There won't be costume fees or anything else. Just pure technique classes so you can tap your heart out with no pressure. Can't wait to see you! Sign up here: (scroll down to find the registration button)

7 Things to Look for When You're Choosing a Dance Studio

Whether you're new to tap dancing and you've never had to choose a dance studio or you're looking to make a switch, choosing a dance studio can actually be pretty stressful! That's because when you choose a dance studio, your choice will have a big impact on your training. Different dance studios prioritize different styles and have different instructors with different teaching philosophies.  Some dance studios focus a lot more attention on their competitive classes than on their recreational dance students. Other studios don't compete at all. A lot of dance studios unfortunately do not offer adult tap classes or any other kinds of dance classes for adults. And then there are studios that fully embrace their adult students and include them in everything from the recital to special performance events. These differences are a big reason why choosing a great dance studio is more than a matter of looking up the dance studios in your area and signing up for danc...