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What If There are No Adult Tap Classes Near Me?

Does this sound familiar? You're ready to take an adult tap class or some other dance class for adults. The only problem? You google 'adult tap classes near me' or 'tap classes in the north shore' and it turns out that most of the local studios don't offer adult tap classes or any other classes for the 18+ dance student.

You're probably thinking that there aren't adult tap classes because the demand just isn't there. That could be the case, but it's more likely that the problem isn't a lack of demand or a lack of dance classes for adults but both. Here's what I mean:

Adults go searching for tap classes or other dance classes, come up empty, and stop searching. Maybe they find one but are afraid to enroll because they're worried about making the commitment or being put into classes with kids. Then there are adults who want to dance don't bother looking for classes because everyone knows dance classes are just for kids, right?

Meanwhile studios check out what their competitors are doing and if they don't see adult tap, ballet, jazz, or hip hop programs, they might assume there is no demand for adult dance classes locally. Or studios decide to offer one adult tap or ballet or jazz class instead of a more robust adult program and have a hard time attracting students. Adult classes aren't advertised as well as kids' classes and get canceled due to low enrollment.

It's a vicious circle! Everyone (and I mean on the dancer side and the studio side) wants adult dance classes to succeed, but a lot of assumptions are made on both sides that keep that from happening. So if you do a quick search for adult dance classes near me and come up empty, but you're not ready to give up just yet, here's what you need to do:

Call around

Maybe you're not seeing a lot of results when you search online for adult tap classes near me, but a lot of studios don't put all that much effort into marketing adult dance classes because kids' classes are their bread and butter. It's perfectly logical and I don't blame dance studios one bit for focusing on their primary customer base, but it does mean anyone looking for adult tap classes or other dance classes for adults may need to put in a bit of extra legwork to find them.

Believe in the adult learner

This is something studios AND dancers need to work on, which is why I included it in a blog post directed at students. There's this pervasive myth that if you don't start dancing as a kid, it's impossible to learn. It is just not true that you can't learn to tap or take ballet or jazz or hip hop as an adult. Dance is for everyone, not just young people! You can do this! If you want to take a dance class, don't let the lack of dance classes for adults nearby discourage you. Just move on to the next step...

Ask a local dance studio to start a class

What's the worst thing that could happen if you call up a local dance studio and ask them to add an adult tap class to their schedule? The worst that happens is that they say no, and then you're no worse off than you were before. But maybe they'll say yes! Or they'll tell you that they will look into the feasibility of starting one in the upcoming season. That's not quite a yes, but it sure beats a no. And in that case, if you have friends who are interested in tap dancing, too, they could also call about adult classes. The more interest there is, the more likely the studio will create an adult class just because you asked.

Get a group together

Local dance studios on the fence about creating an adult dance program will be more likely to take the plunge if you put together the class for them. Can you get five or six other people to commit to taking a class with you? If you approach a studio with a pre-built class, they have nothing to lose by adding an adult dance class to the schedule.

How I'd Like to See More Studios Handle Adult Dance Classes

What do the dance studios with the most success attracting adult dance students have in common? They all have more than the usual number of dance classes for adults. Studios with a packed schedule of dance classes for adults will inevitably attract more adult learners than those with just one or two classes.

That's because word of mouth works better when there are more offerings. A student in an adult tap class tells a friend who has no interest in tap but loves ballet about her class, and just like that, the adult ballet class has another student! I've seen the adult programs at small north shore dance studios blow up as people told friends about the wide variety of adult dance classes on the schedule.

FACT: Having a robust adult program can really set a studio apart from the pack!

North Shore's Dance Enthusiasm's multi-level, non-competitive tap class just for adults taught by Christa Terry teaches the elements of tap dance (vocabulary, rhythm, timing, and phrasing) while helping you develop your own individual style. The vibe is friendly, invigorating, and most importantly, FUN. We have a good time! Email for info!


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